Lesson 7. Discussion Questions and Assignments

Lesson 7. Live Discussion Questions

These questions are intended to be used to lead a live session at your organization. Clients should come having read the material prepared to answer the questions below. You may also want to use some of the online discussion questions as well as the assignment discussion questions in your live discussion. 

Chapter 15. Understanding the Client

  1. Being misunderstood is a very difficult experience, especially if you already have a less than good opinion of yourself.  Labeling people is unkind and unproductive.  Name calling is just downright wrong.  What names/terms must never come out of your mouth if you expect to show compassion and minister to the folks coming through our doors?
  2. Do you understand the difference between what is a legal term for the homeless and how God might define them?
  3. Pick one of the 21 characteristics listed on p. 78 and share how you believe the place where you work could help an individual with that characteristic.
  4. What can you do to maintain the right response to individuals?
  5. Changing your perspective is necessary if you have some of the negative thoughts 1-4  on pp. 79-80.  Can you add to the potential ideas for changing perspectives mentioned in pts. 5-8 on p. 80?

Chapter 23. Addressing Shame Overload

  1. What is “Shame Overload”?
  2. How does shame overload affect our clients?
  3. What are the ramifications on each of the following if we don’t deal with this?
    1. Program or shelter participation
    2. Parenting issues
    3. Client stabilization

Lesson 7. Online Discussions

If you are using this material to facilitate live group discussions, then these questions can be used as a guide. 

If you would like to receive credit for this course, then submit a 400-word response for each discussion group of questions (i.e. Lesson 1. Discussion 1). You do not need to submit 400 words for each question, but for each group of questions. If responding to a live meeting discussion, then share written work as you would in a live meeting.

Lesson 7. Discussion 1. Understanding Clients

We tend to see everyone from our own perspective, so it can be difficult to understand clients’ experiences from their perspective. What are ways that we can do to develop a better understanding of who we are serving?

Lesson 7. Assignments

Lesson 7. Assignment 1. Paper on Reduction of Shame and Effects of PTSD

Write a one-page paper on how behaviors stemming from shame and/or PTSD of clients can affect how staff react to client behavior.