Lesson 6. Discussion Questions and Assignments

Lesson 6. Live Discussion Questions

These questions are intended to be used to lead a live session at your organization. Clients should come having read the material prepared to answer the questions below. You may also want to use some of the online discussion questions as well as the assignment discussion questions in your live discussion. If your ministry does not consider itself a “rescue mission,” then substitute the words “rescue mission” with “Christian ministry serving the homeless and addicted” (or whatever fits your context).  

Chapter 7. Trusting God in Difficult Situations

Working in Rescue Mission ministry means there will always be difficult situations.  It also means clients coming into the mission have experienced many difficult situations that often interfere with their willingness to trust God.  This discussion will address both since we have to be able to do this for ourselves before we will be able to help others.

  1. The chapter gives three beliefs about God that affects our ability to trust God.  (God is good, able, and trustworthy).  Be ready to give an example of how God taught you one of these.
  2. What does it mean when you hear people say “God is good all the time”?
  3. After reading the stages of pain perspective on page 38, be prepared to share where you are in this progression and what experience you had that proves to you this is an accurate perspective.
  4. How do you help clients to see where hope actually comes from when they are feeling hopeless?
  5. From the summary of points on page 43, in which area do you plan to grow as you minister to those clients having difficulty with trusting God and how do you plan to grow in that?

Chapter 9. Integrity  in the Workplace

  1. How do you define integrity?
  2. Give one-word descriptions of a person of integrity.
  3. As a staff person in ministry, what practices would indicate integrity?
    Ex.: Filling out timesheet accurately
  4.  What does it mean in Scripture, in Philippians 2:15, when we are to be “blameless”?
  5. How is morality and integrity connected?
  6. What is the effect of the integrity of staff on any ministry?
  7. How do you develop it?
    “Never consider yourself above temptation”
    Who am I when no one is looking? 
  8. How do you defend yourself against attacks? 

Lesson 6. Discussion 1. Helping Clients Develop their Own Integrity

Discuss the influence you can have on clients in areas of integrity, character and morality.

Lesson 6. Assignments

Lesson 6. Assignment 1. Moral purity and exercising integrity in the workplace paper

Write a one-page paper advising people in ministry what they can do to stay morally pure and exercise integrity in the workplace.

Lesson 6. Assignment 2: Character Traits Paper

Write a one-page paper listing five Character Traits that you want to see increased in your life and steps you can take now to experience growth in those areas.